
Posts Tagged ‘ghostbusters’

I’m Going Places

April 10, 2013 3 comments


Among other reasons that I have not been prioritizing posting to my blog as I so earnestly declared that I would, is this: after a fall and winter of applications and recommendations and campus visits, I have officially accepted an offer to join an MLIS program this fall.

Within six months, here is where you will find me: iSchool at the University of Pittsburgh

Yes, it’s back to school for me for a librarian’s degree. And before you tell me that print is dead (–Egon), let me assure you that I have studied this subject a great deal and that all information schools are heavily digital these days, and as far as concerns the ability of libraries to sustain themselves, we know more than you.

Now I just have to finish up my job here, move to Pittsburgh and uproot my entire life! (…Yikes.)